How much should I pay my Domestic Worker?

All about Domestic Workers and Decent Work, Domestic Workers and Wages in South Africa, Domestic Workers and Hours of Work, Salaries and Domestic Workers and more on Mywage South Africa.

The issue:

"I am about to employ a Domestic Worker for the first time, and I would like to know how much to pay. How does it all work?"

The answer:

How much do I pay my Domestic Worker?

This all depends on how many hours she will work and what area you live in. We have a list of the Minimum Wages for Domestic Workers in South Africa, depending on what area you live in. But be aware that these are the minimum - you are certainly allowed to pay more!

How does it all work?

You need to be very clear on the laws regarding the employment of Domestic Workers. There are laws regarding hours of work, overtime, annual and sick leave, UIF and more. You are also advised to sign a contract with your Domestic Worker.

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Find out more about Decent Work in South Africa.
